December 10, 2018

Corporate Rating

Source: Investopedia

Before you decide whether to invest into a debt security from a company or foreign country, you must determine whether the prospective entity will be able to meet its obligations. A ratings company can help you do this. Providing independent objective assessments of the credit worthiness of companies and countries, a credit ratings company helps investors decide how risky it is to invest money in a certain country and/or security.

There are three top agencies that deal in credit ratings for the investment world. These are: Moody's, Standard and Poor's (S&P's) and Fitch IBCA. The ratings lie on a spectrum ranging between highest credit quality on one end and default or "junk" on the other. Long–term credit ratings are denoted with a letter: a triple A (AAA) is the highest credit quality, and C or D (depending on the agency issuing the rating) is the lowest or junk quality.

Bond Rating   Grade   Risk
Moody's    Standard & Poor's    
Aaa   AAA     Investment      Lowest Risk
Aa  AA   Investment     Low Risk
A   A   Investment     Low Risk
Baa   BBB   Investment      Medium Risk
Ba, B   BB, B   Junk   High Risk
Caa/Ca/C    CCC/CC/C   Junk   Highest Risk
C   D   Junk    In Default

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