December 9, 2018

Back-end and Front-end ratio

Source: Investopedia

Back-end Ratio

 A ratio that indicates what portion of a person's monthly income goes toward paying debts. Total monthly debt includes expenses such as mortgage payments (made up of PITI), credit-card payments, child support and other loan payments. Lenders use this ratio in conjunction with the front-end ratio to approve mortgages.
Back-end Ratio = Total Monthly Debt Expense
                                Gross Monthly Income

Front-end Ratio

A ratio that indicates what portion of an individual's income is used to make mortgage payments. It is calculated as an individual's monthly housing expenses divided by his or her monthly gross income and is expressed as a percentage. Monthly gross income is simply annual income divided by 12 (months). Lenders use the front-end ratio in conjunction with the back-end ratio to approve mortgages.

Front-end Ratio = Monthly Housing Expense
                                 Gross Monthly Income

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