April 17, 2019

Apple Qualcomm settlement

Interesting read: https://9to5mac.com/2019/04/17/apple-qualcomm-and-intel/

Graphical diagram explaining players involved and their roles.

Semantic Triple in RDF

Composed of:

Subject -> Predicate -> Object

A subject: which is a URI (e.g., a "web address") that represents something.
A predicate: which is another URI that represents a certain property of the subject.
An object: which can be a URI or a literal (a string) that is related to the subject

Bob knows John
http://example.name#BobSmith12 http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows http://example.name#JohnDoe34

Ref: https://data-gov.tw.rpi.edu/wiki/A_crash_course_in_SPARQL

John's age 70
http://example.name#JohnDoe34 http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/age 70

We can infer from the above 2 statements that Bob know somebody who is 70 years old

April 16, 2019

Apache Jena RDF API


Resource: representing an RDF resource (whether named with a URI or anonymous)
Literal: for data values (numbers, strings, dates, etc)
Statement: representing an RDF triple and
Model: representing the whole graph

Ref: https://jena.apache.org/about_jena/architecture.html

April 10, 2019


Offer/Ask price: $100.50
Bid price: $99.50
Spread = 100.50 - 99.50 = $1.00

FIX protocol and FIXadtl

Financial Information eXchange (FIX) is a messaging protocol used to exchange trade related messages between trading systems.

FIXatdl (FIX algorithm trading definition language) is a language for trading that relies on FIX protocol.